TMG Podcast Episode 180 - Let Creativity Roam Free

TMG Podcast 180 Cover.jpg

In this second to the last episode of the TMG Podcast to wrap 2017, Matthew expresses his thoughts on the Uncharted franchise since he's currently going through the Uncharted collection on the PS4. We then find ourselves talking about Respawn Entertainment being bought by EA and what that means in the future for the Titanfall developers. Later in the cast we also tackle the limitations of big franchises such as Star Wars in terms of creativity as well as the limitations when games try to tackle sensitive topics such as domestic violence. 

A great quick discussion before the year rolls over. 


Uncharted Collection - Nathan Drake and Sully are jerks.
EA buys Respawn Entertainment - will this strengthening of this relationship be a good thing for the young studio? 
We need more games that take chances with major franchises - developers with access to big worlds such as Star Wars should expand and take risks
Detroit: Become Human under fire for controversial domestic abuse scene - TV and film have tackled such topics countless times, and games should be no different. 

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