[Updated-4/24/11]Playstation Network offline
If your planning to do some online gaming via PSN in your Playstation 3 and get welcomed by error code 80710A06 you're not alone. The Playstation is currently having issues and could last a day or two.
UPDATE - Sony admits that their systems have been attacked by hackers which forced them to pull the plug and do some maintenance. It's been more than 48 hours and even i'm getting a little impatient at Sony's slow reaction to resolve this issue.
''An external intrusion on our system has affected our PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. In order to conduct a thorough investigation and to verify the smooth and secure operation of our network services going forward, we turned off PlayStation Network & Qriocity services on the evening of Wednesday, April 20th. Providing quality entertainment services to our customers and partners is our utmost priority. We are doing all we can to resolve this situation quickly, and we once again thank you for your patience. We will continue to update you promptly as we have additional information to share.''
Check out the Playstation Blog frequently for more updates, i sure am since i want some gaming online done.
UPDATE - The group Anonymous denies involvement with the Playstation Network's issues. [Source]
I've experienced it myself. As you try to connect the Playstation Network, you see yourself unable to connect with an error code placed on your screen.
"While we are investigating the cause of the Network outage, we wanted to alert you that it may be a full day or two before we’re able to get the service completely back up and running," said SCEA Senior Director of Corporate Communications Patrick Seybold in a recent update on the Playstation Blog. "Thank you very much for your patience while we work to resolve this matter. Please stay tuned to this space for more details, and we’ll update you again as soon as we can."
People believe it's the work of Anonymous, a group of angry hackers taking action to the recent lawsuit between Sony and George Holtz. George Holtz is the person that has broken the Playstation 3's security systems and Sony has taken action by suing the hacker. That lawsuit created Anonymous, who is now attacking Sony by infiltrating their systems.
They mentioned way back that they won't be attacking the customers but the Sony employees only. There's no actual proof yet if this is the work of Anonymous but whatever the reason to the Playstation Network's outage, let's hope it gets fixed soon.
[Source: psu.com]