Final Fantasy XIII - 2 is 90% complete, release date will be announced soon
The sequel to the most linear Final Fantasy game you will ever play is 90% done. Producer Yoshinori Kitase said the game has been in development for one and a half years.
Andriasang reports that it was hinted they will announce a solid release date of Final Fantasy XIII - 2 during the TGS 2011(Tokyo Game Show 2011). During a Q&A held in Tokyo, one of the attendees asked Final Fantasy XIII-2 director Motomu Toriyama for a specific date. He replied with Tokyo and a series of X's. Tokyo is the only hint we need since we know that TGS 2011 is days away. With the announcement of the game at 90%, there's a huge possibility that they will hit a 2011 release.
TGS 2011 is happening this Thursday, Sept 15 - 18 so expect more info about Final Fantasy XIII by the end of the week.
[Source: Andriasang]