Weekend, What are you playing?
It's the weekend again! it's been a long week for me, been waiting for the weekend to finally hit and I'm sure some of you feel the same way. To unwind, some need to go out, us gamers? we keep playing to our hearts content. what are you playing??
Quash: Like I said, couldn't wait for the weekend to hit. Been playing Gears of War 3 all weekend while switching from time to time to play the Battlefield 3 Open Beta. Versus and Horde in Gears 3 is too damn addicting to the point that I haven't come around to finish the campaign. I'm currently at Act 4, but during the campaign I get this urge to stop and start searching for a versus TDM. It might take a while to get my review together, but can't blame the guy for having so much fun with the game. Hopefully I'll be done with the campaign by the end of Sunday.
Migoy: Found a good translation guide for All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation on Gamefaqs so I'm doing most of the missions I can. Unlocked the 4th difficulty which gives enemies a massive attack and strength boost so I need to do a bit more level grinding.