This pretty much happens when Dance Central meets Han Solo
/I'm picking up my blaster, put it on my side, I'm jumpin' in my Falcon, Wookiee at my side. Wait what!? Yes, not only do you pretend to be a Jedi in Kinect: Star Wars, you can also show off your moves in their Dance Central-ish dance mode. I'm laughing my ass off at the same time quite disappointed as a Star Wars fan.
Not sure how well it will do in sales but I highly doubt the new Kinect: Star Wars will fly for any core gamers. Casual? Definitely , but I remember Microsoft saying Kinect: Star Wars is one of those titles that would appeal to core gamers. Well, doesn't look like it. Here's the release trailer of Kinect: Star Wars.
Kinect: Star Wars Launch Trailer
On a side note, that Xbox 360 Star Wars edition just looks amazing.