Terraria for consoles gets a teaser trailer
Terraria, the Minecraft-like 2D side-scroller is finally hitting consoles. A teaser trailer for the console was just released by 505 Games and is scheduled for an early 2013 release. Check out the trailer below.
I personally loved this game. back in 2011, during Steam's Holiday Sale, I managed to pick this game up on a discount and I'm happy that I did. It literally got me hooked for hours when I first fired it up the game. You literally start with nothing and must build everything from the materials around you. It's very familiar to Minecraft, but the side-scrolling style gives it a nice old school twist. Plus, the bosses are a real challenge.
At the end of the trailer, the mentioned new content for the console version. Great addition, but I really hope 505 Games doesn't leave the PC community in the dark. There is still no word if the added content will hit PC. If it never does, well that's just plain sad. They sold 1.6 copies because of the PC community, so I really wish they provide the same amount of content for both versions so that one version is not inferior to the other.
Terraria will be out hopefully by early next year on PSN and Xbox Live.