Weekend, what are you playing?
After an unintentional hiatus, the weekend post is back and in full force. The weekend post not being made was due to lack of time and nothing more. But enough about that because tis the season for new releases. So, what are you playing this weekend?
Migoy: Just got myself a copy of Hitman: Absolution so Imma surely be playing that. Will probably record my gameplay through the entire thing but we'll see. Aside from that I'm planning to hit my imported copy of Max Anarchy again simply because I haven't finished it yet. Max Anarchy / Anarchy Reigns is hella fun by the way. And finally, a game that I've been sinking my teeth into recently and simply can't put down a lot of the time is Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier EXCEED. This game did not get localized like it's previous title but it's a simple RPG and impossible to get stuck in. It sucks that I can't read Japanese and can't appreciate the story and conversations that the characters have with each other but the combat is just too good. I don't know any other game that has combat similar to the SRW OG sage games on DS but I believe Project x Zone on the 3DS pretty much has the same style of combat. That game of course is also only in Japanese. :(
Quash: I was all set for the Lost Shore's weekend event over at Guild War 2, but of course something bad happens. Hours before the event my graphics card shows signs of dying. Any game I play results in graphical artifacts and a crash, even during windows startup. So now I'm at the process of finding a replacement graphics card to get my PC back up and running.
As I was looking around to canvas on a new graphics card, I visited Datablitz and bought Black Ops 2 on the PS3. I was a huge fan of the first, and it was only fitting to go ahead and buy the sequel. The game overall is what I wanted right now, a fact-paced FPS. Treyarch did good on the first Black Ops and so far I'm liking what I see. But sadly, as much as they say they made a lot of improvements graphics-wise, for a 2012 game, it really looks outdated. The multiplayer feels just like any COD, but after not playing any other COD title since the first Black Ops, it felt good coming back.
Arlie: I've been playing Assassin's Creed III since launch day and you can watch my play through on our Twitch.tv channel. Also, some casual DOTA2 gaming with my friends on Steam.