Metro: Last Light release date confirmed
Metro: Last Light now has a release date. We get to wander through the Metro once again as Atryom on May 14 for NA, and May 17 for the rest of the world. The game will be out on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.
Thanks to THQ going under, many franchises including Metro: Last Light was left homeless. But during the THQ Auction Sale, Publisher Deep Silver(Dead Island, Dead Island: Riptide) picked up the Metro franchise keeping it alive.
A tweet from the game's official Twitter also adds that the extra time gives 4A Games more time to really polish the Last Light. By all means, take all the time you need. I'm just grateful that the franchise and 4A Games has a new home to make business continue as usual.
I had a great time with the first Metro game. I wanted more out of the post-apocalyptic survival shooter when I finished it, so I can't wait to wander around the Metro once again.
Just in case you are curious on the gameplay, take a look at this 12 minute demo below.