New Xbox revealed - Xbox One
Well, the Xbox Reveal is now over and Microsoft has unveiled the next Xbox which is officially called Xbox One. The presenation was short and direct, and what we got was the systems new features using voice recognition, the console specs, and how it actually looks like.
Xbox One is Microsoft's attempt to make their system the center of all devices inside your living room. the all in one entertainment they say. Here are the console features:
TV : Navigate and watch live TV from your cable, telco or satellite set-top box through your Xbox One. This will be available in US at launch with other regions to follow at a later date.
Xbox On: Turn on your system using the two words.
Custom-tailored Home: Dashboard contains favorite games, TV and entertainment.
Snap: Do two things at once such as multiplayer, watching a movie, talking on Skype while watching live TV, or track NFL fantasy team on TV as you watch football.
Skype: Talk with friends on your TV in HD, and hold group calls.
Trending: See what is trending within the Xbox community or with your friends.
OneGuide: Find your favorite entertainment by searching via network, name or time, all with your voice.
After the neat features presented, the console specs were revealed:
500GB hard drive
Custom AMD chip with 8-core CPU that is “four times quieter” than Xbox 360.
Blu-ray drive
HDMI 1.4 output
Three separate 802.11n radios.
WiFi Direct
USB 3.0
1080p and 4K supported.
7.1 surround sound
Kinect bundled with 250,000-pixel infrared depth sensor and 1080p web cam.
After much talk about the system, you'd expect lots of game announcements(well, I was). but that obviously wasnt their focus during this presentation. To really sum what showed up after the console revealing - Sports, Forza Motorsport 5, one new IP, then more sports, then Call of Duty: Ghost. And that my friends is all they showed..literally.
Forza Motorsport 5 reveal
Don't get disappointed though, right? like... we got Forza 5, and they did show us one new IP for the Xbox One called Quantum Break. Yey? Not much information was given except that the game will also have a TV series in tandem with the game, similar to the MMO Defiance.
Quantum Break trailer
Now, I was expecting more exclusives, or at least new IPs, but Microsoft did confirm that Xbox One will have 15 new IP's in the first year, 8 of which are completely new franchises. How I wish they announced some of them, but that's what E3 is for.
Behind the scenes preview
And as expected, after more sports talk, Microsoft ends the presentation with the reveal of a new Call of Duty coming to Xbox One. Who didn't see that coming?
Call of Duty: Ghost
Seeing the console itself right off the bat was exciting, but the whole presentation as a whole was a bit underwhelming.What was missing? I don't know, more games? Actual game demos? More presentation of the console's power? But I won't hit Microsoft that hard because the intention was clear -Be brief, get the console information/look out there, and prepare for E3. Yes, E3 is only a few weeks away so we should get our fix very soon. I'm sure it was intended to hold back on the one thing many want to see, and that is the games. Boring part is over, and it looks like the best part will be saved for last...I hope.
Microsoft is planning to release Xbox One later this year. No price point was given during the reveal.
Thoughts on the new Xbox? You can watch the full presentation by clicking the link.