The Walking Dead: 400 Days launches this week
The Walking Dead: 400 Days is a DLC episode that takes place after season one of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead game. It was announced at this year's E3 and for those excited to get more out of this masterpiece, you don't have to wait that long to get it. It's coming out this week.
400 Days is set to bridge the previous season to the upcoming season 2. There are new characters in this one, with five chapters each with a new character having their own story to follow. For those still hoping to find time to play all 5 episodes of Season 1, I suggest you skip this video to avoid any spoilers.
But for those who are done with season 1 like myself, and can't wait to get their hands on this DLC, here are the release dates for each platform.
July 2nd: PS3 (North America)
July 3rd: PC/Mac (via Steam or Telltale's website)
July 5th: Xbox 360 (Worldwide)
July 10th: PS3 (Europe)
July 11th: iOS
Sometime in August: PS Vita
If you still have your save from season 1, your decisions can be carried over to this DLC. It is said that your decisions on this DLC will affect the upcoming season 2 which will start at the end of this year. Don't take your decisions too lightly, because the carried over choices really make an impact with the overall experience, which is one of the reason why this makes The Walking Dead game one of the best story-driven game I've played in years.