New gameplay footage for The Evil Within coming from the Eurogamer Expo
During the developer session at the Eurogamer Expo (yes, they have an expo), Bethesda and Tango Gameworks showed new The Evil Within gameplay footage mixed with old ones already shown during previous events. It's 20-minutes of gameplay and I'm not too thrilled with Resident Evil maker's latest project. Watch it below.
The demonstration was divided into two parts; the beginning of the game with some sneaking elements, and the shooting gameplay. Don't mind the stuttering in the video. It was due to the live stream capture for the session, not from actual gameplay.
I appreciate the effort from Shinji Mikami to return Survival Horror back to its roots, but the latest gameplay reminded me of Resident Evil 4, which is the point where the Resident Evil series first went a bit more action-oriented. I have my guard up on this one thanks to the cabin defense part with you putting minds to hold the creatures off. It's planned for a 2014 release, so maybe they have more interesting features to reveal because I do want more horror titles to succeed, especially the high budget titles.
The Evil Within will be available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC.