Recent Buys: Episode 32 - Long Overdue
I haven't done one of these in a while and I feel like with all that stuff I've bought this past two months and didn't make a video / post on that this is long over due.
I'm not going to count the purchases I've made since the last Recent Buys but instead I'll talk about the things that I got in the last week. First off would be Dark Souls II for the PS3. I was craving for a new game and since Will had a spare R1 copy, I took it off his hands for a cheaper price than getting off the stores.
Next up would be some PSN cards. Initially bought the $50 card to renew my PS+ subscription but then I found out about the flash sale that happened this past weekend so I also got a $10 card and bought a bunch of stuff from the sale. Off the top of my head I got Crash Bandicoot 1 to 3, RetroCity Rampage, Urban Trial Freestyle, Super Stardust HD, a bunch of Telltale games, them being Sam & Max 9, Tales from Monkey Island, Jurassic Park and Back to the Future. I also got a few other things that I can't seem to remember and I'm too lazy to boot up my PS3 to check.
Lastly, more of an impulse buy if anything. Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes for the PS3. Been wanting to own a Sengoku Basara game in HD but I don't want to shell out more than 2000php on a Sengoku Basara game that's in Japanese. Samurai Heroes, from what I can tell, is the exact same game as the one I played on the Wii but playing on a gamepad is much better than the flailing mess that was the Wiimote nunchuck controls. The reason I call this an impulse buy is because I went to Greenhills looking for some figurines since the shops posted their monthly arrivals on Facebook but when i got there I was told that the particular figure that I was planning to get was pulled back for some reason and the other figure that I was planning to get from another shop was already sold out. So I went around seeing if I could find anything else that I could get so the trip wouldn't be a waste. Lo and behold, Sengoku Basara for 600php. I almost also got Alpha Protocol that was going for 500php but I remembered that a convention (Ozine) is happening this weekend at SMX and I should save some money for that.
And that's it for this episode of Recent Buys. Sorry if this little series isn't consistent as to what type it'll be (either a written post, video, or just an image on our Facebook page). Anyways, until next time!