Ubisoft Officially Reveals Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC this October
We got the first bit of details the day we were recording this week's podcast, but now Ubisoft blew the lid wide open regarding Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Here's what we know.
Ubisoft is going all out with regards to Syndicate. For one, we know Ubisoft Quebec is in charge of this project, with nine other Ubisoft studios helping out (Montreal, Singapore, Annecy, Montpellier, Reflections, Sofia, Shanghai, Kiev, Bucharest). Syndicate has been in development for two years.
The game is set in 1868 London, during the Industrial Revolution. You play as Jacob Frye, an assassin taking back the city controlled by the templars. Oh, and he has a top hat.
Here's the full description of Syndicate via Ubisoft's Blog:
London during the Industrial Revolution. It’s a time of great technological and philosophical advancement, but it’s also a time of great hardship. The Church and the monarchy are losing power and money is rapidly becoming one of the chief dictators of human behavior. And when money is king, those who have it are the ones in control while those without it are tossed aside and forgotten. Desperation grows among the lower class, leading many of them to lives of crime in order to survive. It is here that we see the birth of organized crime, and the birth of a new era.
The Assassin Brotherhood has been all but eradicated, long kept away by the Templars controlling the city. But now – in the year 1868 – two young Assassins have arrived in London to reclaim the city by force, with street gangs as their armies and the oppressed masses as their eyes and ears. This is Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. Welcome to the Family.
Official Reveal Trailer
In terms of gameplay, there are new additions to best suit the given setting. For one, you have a grappling hook to easily climb tall buildings, and vehicles like a stagecoache to quickly travel around the city. Fighting seems more fast paced thanks to Frye's brawler style with brass knuckles equipped, which is a good change from the dull swordplay that didn't have much change as the series progressed.
It is also confirmed that Syndicate will not have multiplayer. Ubisoft is considering this a single player experience, going back to the series' roots.
Gameplay Walkthrough
The setting is really what's winning our hearts at the moment. A perfect time in history to explore for the series. How will the game perform? Too soon to tell since it was just revealed, but consider us curious of this year's Assassin's Creed.
What do you think about Syndicate so far?