New Agni's Philisophy tech demo videos showcase character detail being tweaked
Have you seen Square Enix's tech demo called Agni's Philisophy? No? Ok click here, be amazed, then come back. That was done in real-time using Square's new game engine called "Luminous Studio. Now, two new videos have shown up on the net featuring some changes being done to a character's detail in real-time.
With the reveal of the tech demo in this year's E3, Square Enix was simply advertising the power of their new engine. Agni's Philosophy isn't a game in production, but it definitely gave us an idea on what their games could look like in the future. This is Square Enix looking forward. It's hard to believe that 3D models like these with amazing visuals and detail can simply be manipulated by a simple slider on the side.
This engine is being created for next-gen, and as much as this looks impressive, it will be years until any game will be developed using this game engine. Hopefully, whatever title they have planned to be the first game under the Luminous engine won't take as long to develop as Final Fantasy XIII, or versus XIII (Which is not even out yet).