Bethesda, Minecraft, EVE Online, League of Legends hacked

The group known as LulzSec has claimed to have hacked the sites of Bethesda, Minecraft, EVE Online.

Bethesda has confirmed that sites connected to the recently released game Brink have been hacked and that personal info such as emails and passwords have been compromised. No financial data was stored on them so heads up to all you Brink players, check your emails and change your passwords.

As for League of Legends, LulzSec has taken down the login servers.

TMG Podcast Episode 03: The Alien War Rapture Show

"Listen ya dumb truck! LOOK AT MY FACE!"

Too Much Gaming podcast episode 03 Recorded on 05-22-2011

Migoy, Quash and Arlie are back for another episode with a guest. Moe joins us for a short while before he gets cutoff from the Skype call.

Migoy: Cave Story Final Fantasy 4: Complete Collection Thor God of Thunder (Wii) Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

Quash: The Witcher 2 L.A. Noire

Arlie: L.A. Noire Brink The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Moe: SOCOM 4

You can also download the podcast here;

Latest Trailer for Brink

Splash Damage just released a new trailer explaining the types of classes you can be when playing Brink. This game looks amazing and the ability to move around difficult environments is cool but I'm still 50/50 of this game is worth the buy.The game is days away from release and they have been releasing tutorial videos over and over which makes me think this game won't need a game manual.


Brink is being released earlier than expected, it will be out on May 10  for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.