PSN having Ultimate deals sale
The PSN Store is have an Ultimate Deals sale, bundling 9 games together with all their DLC's at discounted prices. Non-PS Plus members get a 30% off discount while PS Plus members get a 50% off. Quite a steal - Games such as L.A Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Mortal Kombat have a lot of DLC content worth owning.
- Red Dead Redemption(Legends and Killers, Liars and Cheats and Undead Nightmare) - $27.99 ($19.59 for PlayStation Plus Members)
- InFAMOUS 2 Complete Edition - $33.99 ($23.79 for PlayStation Plus Members)
- Mafia II (Betrayal of Jimmy, Greaser Pack, Jimmy’s Vendetta, Joe’s Adventure, Renegade Pack, Vegas Pack and Hero Pack ) - $20.99 ($14.69 for PlayStation Plus Members)
- BioShock 2 (Exclusive Character Pack, Minerva’s Den, The Protector Trials, Rapture Metro and Sinclair Solutions) - $27.99 ($19.59 for PlayStation Plus Members)
- MotorStorm Apocalypse - $50.49 ($35.34 for PlayStation Plus Members)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops (First Strike, Escalation, Annihilation and Rezurrection Packs) - $66.49 ($46.54 for PlayStation Plus Members)
- Just Cause 2 Ultimate Edition - $20.99 ($14.69 for PlayStation Plus Members)
- Mortal Kombat (the Warrior Bundle and Klassic Skins Pack 1) - $34.99 ($24.49 for PlayStation Plus Members)
- L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition (DLC cases) - $27.99 ($19.59 for PlayStation Plus Members)
If you haven't played Red Dead Redemption, L.A Noire, and Bioshock 2, this is the perfect time to get a copy. Great games, and the deal is just too good.
The Call of Duty: Black Ops deal is pretty hilarious since the bundle is just as expensive as buying a new game. Those map packs need to go down in price since this game is pretty much considered old thanks to a yearly release for the franchise.
[Source: PSN Blog US]