Weekend, what are you playing?
Happy Chinese New Year to you guys and for some of us here in the Philippines, it’s long weekend. That means extended playtime! From the infamous words of most Pinoy players out there who’s been to a few internet cafes, “Boss, pa extend po”. So, what are you playing?
Migoy: So I got a copy of Saints Row: The Third, the asia version sadly does not give you a free digital copy of Saints Row 2 after you redeem your online co-op pass which bummed me out a great deal (gotta read that fine print), and it seems pretty good. The intro mission was full of intense action but kinda waters down once you get to the new city of Steelport. It’s not as stupid awesome as I was expecting but I’m still having a good time with the game. As for how it holds out later on? We’ll just have to wait and see.
I finally found a Facebook game that I like and wouldn’t ya know it, it’s Tetris. Tetris Battle on Facebook is fun not only because Tetris is one of the best video games to have ever existed but the game pitts you against other players in a match to see who gets the most KO’s in 2 minutes time. KO meaning whose stack reaches the top faster. Now I don’t know how exactly the whole live versus thing works in this game, I think it’s just AI and the skill depends on the rank of the player, but beating “other players” gives you a different satisfaction compared to reaching level 20 and then just psyching out in the game. If you look at my 2012 gametime spreadsheet, you’ll see a few entries of Tetris Battle on the dates of 1/20/2012 and 1/21/2012.
On a final note, I’ve sort of got a Arcade Stick craze. I don’t want to spend 4000php+ for one of the high end sticks cause I am in no way going to even try to go for pro and I want to be able to afford 2 sticks so that me and my cousins/friends can emulate the arcade experience in fighting games. Looked around GreenHills yesterday and I’m looking at the iCore Arcade Sticks. They go for 1200php each and though that seems a tad too cheap, I’ve read a few forums saying that it’s a pretty decent budget stick. Was planning to go for the Blaze Digital Arcade Stick that goes for around 2300php but I’ve read that since PS3 firmware 3.5, the PS3 does not recognize the arcade stick anymore so that’s a huge bummer. I don’t mind having a wired stick so if you guys have any recommendations about PS3 arcade sticks, lemme know.
Quash: Finished RAGE this week. The game was awesome all the way until you hit the end. I was shocked on how the last parts of the game felt lacking. More like incomplete really. I had fun thanks to the gameplay, but the racing and the last leg was just disappointing.I'm still planning to play RAGE since I still have Nightmare Mode(first playthrough was on hard) and the nine coop missions to finish.
I started playing Skyrim again. Working on my full mage on Master difficulty. I feel myself getting sucked in again but dying over and over again from one shots can be frustrating.