Recent Buys: Episode 16 - Adam Park is Everywhere
Johnny Yong Bosch (who plays Adam Park, the black power ranger), aside from fighting evil with his Mighty Morphin powers is also an established voice actor and does voices in a lot of shows, movies and video games.
Why am I telling you this? Because he did the motion capture and voice acting of one of the main characters in the new (old) video game that I just bought. That game is Devil May Cry 4. An unplanned purchase to be sure since I initially went to Datablitz to get a $20 PSN card. "For what?" you say? I don't know either. So that didn't happen as I came across a copy of Sonic Generations that went for 750php. While looking through the game racks some more, I found a copy of Devil May Cry 4 which is apparently part of the "PlayStation 3 the Best" series. I thought that was already the purpose of their "Platinum: The Best of Playstation 3" series, oh well.
I chose to get this over Sonic Generations because I did just try out the demo of the upcoming DmC game with "new" Dante and liked it. I've also heard a lot of good things about DMC4 which I did try to play on PC before but for it to run smoothy, I had to bring the settings all the way down to ridiculously low levels. I popped in the game just to try things out and didn't notice that an hour had already passed. You might think that an hour of straight gaming is nothing to write home about but because of a little experiment that I'm doing, I time my gameplay sessions and I usually only get around to 30 mins before stopping and doing whatever it is that I have to do that makes me stop playing. I don't think I've had a really long game session since college so obviously, me hitting an hour of straight gameplay easy is something.
I'm thinking of recording my playthrough of DMC4 but I think I should go and finish the other games that I started like Hitman: Absolution. Oh, and if you didn't notice, Datablitz is using Christmas themed giftbags when you buy stuff from them now which are pretty cool. They even have a tag on em. So if you're planning to give a game to someone this holiday season, you don't need to wrap it.