Delayed: Watch Dogs and Driveclub pushed to 2014
This was bound to happen. We are entering a next generation of gaming, developers will feel the pressure and will be forced to ask for more time. This sadly has happened to two titles planned to be launch titles- Watch Dogs, a multi-platform modern sandbox and PS4's exclusive racer Driveclub, both pushed for a 2014 release.
First up is Watch Dogs. Why the push? Ubisoft simply needs the extra time in polishing the game. It's a new IP, I get it. I actually want this to be a new franchise to succeed for the European publisher. What's disappointing is that this is one of the big titles that would make me consider either a PS4 or a Xbox 360. With my PC's current setup, I won't be able to hit that extra high setting, so I was considering the early jump for next-gen to experience Watch Dogs in the best quality possible. Now without Watch Dogs, I'm finding it hard to justify going day one with next-gen consoles.
Next title is Driveclub, which has been push from its November 15 release to an early 2014 release. This was another disappointment because this stunning racing game was planned to be the first free game PS4 game for PlayStation Plus members. Since it was delayed, Sony replaces it with Contrast, Complusion's puzzle platformer of light and shadow free to download on November 15. Sony is also throwing in a "Open Weekend" trial of Killzone: Shadow Fall for PlayStation Plus members on December 28 to 29.
Delays are a pain but again- It's a next-gen console launch. We're anxious to get our hands on the consoles, while launch title developers are freaking out because launch is only weeks away.
Watch Dogs is now placed on a Spring 2014 release for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. While Driveclub is now on an early 2014 release exclusively for PlayStation 4.