Bioware lets fans pick the new female Shepard look
For the first time in the series, the female Commander Shepard will be in the box art for Mass Effect 3's Collector's Edition. Since their going that way, they want to give her a new look, and the community gets to help with this decision.
The voting for the new female Shepard is all in Mass Effect's Facebook fan page, just head over to the Mass Effect album and like one of the new looks for Shepard in order to vote.
Here are the designs:
Why is the female Shepard getting this kind of treatment? well it's because overall, we apparently prefer to use the default female Shepard instead of the default male. In Bioware's data, most of the players create their own shepard, but in terms of which default character is used the most? it's female Shepard.
My pic is Shepard #5, let a blonde save the world. Cast your vote now and see which Female Shepard will be in your Collector's Edition.