Thank You Firaxis, XCOM: Enemy Unknown Announced
You have no idea how happy I am with this announcement. The classic strategy game is being recreated. This is the reboot XCOM fans want. Game Informer revealed the game's existence by making it as their front cover of their first issue of the year.
The XCOM shooter announced last year is its own game. While 2K has their own plans for their XCOM game, Firaxis Studio has a different plan - Bringing the classic back by recreating the famous strategy game. The studio knows their strategy games, they are the developers of the Civilization games so XCOM fans, the game is in good hands.
It’s been a dream of ours to recreate X-COM with our unique creative vision. We’re huge fans of the original game and it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to re-envision a game that is as beloved as X-COM,” said Firaxis head Steve Martin.
“We were careful to keep XCOM: Enemy Unknown true to the elements that made X-COM such a revered game while delivering an entirely new story and gameplay experience for both die-hard X-COM fans and newcomers to the franchise.
Here's a video showing gameplay of the old XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
It's coming out this fall for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Thanks Gameinformer for revealing the news. You just made my day. Can't wait to play XCOM once again.
[Source: Gameinformer]