Final Fantasy A+
Since I'm in a very Final Fantasy-ish mood with me playing Duodecim and all, I remembered this one flash animation I saw a few years back. Its obviously inspired by the older 2D Final Fantasy from the NES and SNES era, more so from FFV (music wise) but with a school life twist.
The author Mousekliks said that he made this flash movie for his Japanese class in Highschool. All the voice dubs were done by him. I really enjoyed watching this flash movie bakc when I first came across it and still enjoyed watching it again after all this time.
Author description from Newgrounds:
I submitted this as my final in high school for Japanese, so all the voices are done by me. To all you native speakers - please excuse my awkward intonations. :)
Music from FFV and FFT, sound effects from various Genesis games.
P.S - Sorry, I don't intend to make this into a series. I'd rather not continue something I feel is complete.
Also, for those of you interested, Pensuke's victory cheer is "Yahho, watashi wa kattaze~!"
1) What grade did you get for this?
- I recieved maximum credit for the final and aced the class.
2) How long did this take you?
- The project took about 2-3 weeks, with breaks only for eating, sleeping, and school, so it was actually a good many hours. I actually couldn't finish by the end of the semester, and had to get a deadline extension.
3) How did you do all those voices?
- Sound Forge was used to alter some of the voices. There is no way I could make my voice as low as Ramuh's or as warbly as Cid's. Others like Ryu-sensei's were attained through raw, painful effort.
4) What kind of class makes you do these things for a final?!
- The original assignment was to present an oral autobiography. I requested special permission to make a movie. My teacher isn't anything like the one depicted in this title - she's actually a good-natured woman.
5) Will you make a game of this?
- I might. It's looking pretty bleak, though. If I do produce one, it'd probably be in the fashion of FF Tactics (or FFV) and follow Pensuke to Sabaku University. Go Sabotenders~!
6) Why don't you make a sequel of this?
- I've seen enough titles go bad because the producers made sequels to please the crowd. Games, on the other hand, are a different story.
7) Can you teach me Japanese?
- Nope; I'm a student, not a teacher. If you're desperate enough, you can try looking for free online lessons or something. They're bound to be there.
You can watch the flash movie here.