New Persona 4 Toys
A friend of mine was getting rid of some figures and statues from her collection and I decided to take some of the Persona 4 stuff she had for sale. All 3 items were things that I've been eyeing for a while, 2 of which I've been meaning to get for some time now. First off are two figures from Max Factory's FIGMA line, Chie Satonaka based off her appearance in the Persona 4 anime and Labrys from her appearance in Persona 4 Arena. The third is a statue of Chie Satonaka by Taito depicting her character select art from Persona 4 Arena.
Sorry for the very congested instagram photos. Currently don't have space to do a proper photoshoot. The FIGMAs are what I expected. They handle better than the other FIGMAs I have but maybe that's due to their accessory count. Aside from Labrys' giant unwieldy axe, they're pretty easy to mess with.
As for the Taito statue, Chie is in a great pose and balances well. My problem lies with the giant yellow plastic block that acts as the stand. It's terrible in both design and presentation. Not only does it look bad. It's also huge! Though I did find a good spot for it behind my original PlayStation and whodathunk it. My Ps2 clear yellow and green controllers perfectly match Chie's jacket. It was meant to be.
If you wanna catch what other bullshit I've bought, follow me on instagram.