Recent Buys Episode 27 - Double Fives
A bit late with this video and I got only two games to show off. Both of which have the number five in their titles.
Grand Theft Auto V and Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate are the games shown off in this episode. GTA5 came with the Atomic blimp DLC and DoA5U came with a pop-idol costume pack and a multifiber cleaning cloth with a print of the box art on it.
Grand Theft Auto V gets an "official" trailer
As promised by Rockstar Games, a new trailer for Grand Theft Auto V was just released. Short, but enough to keep you pumped for it's September 17 release. Check it out below.
Just in case you missed it, we're giving one lucky winner in the Philippines a PS3 copy of Grand Theft Auto V on release day, you can get all the details here. For those that have already registered? Don't forget, you can include multiple entries to increase your chances.
Grand Theft Auto V has gone gold and we are now just weeks away from release. Sept 17 is the worldwide release, and will be available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Grand Theft Auto V has gone gold! and apparently a leak happened recently
Rockstar has confirmed that Grand Theft Auto V has gone gold! Which means the game is 100% complete and mass production of the game is what's left to prepare for the release on September 17. Rockstar released a statement, and in that statement they also addressed a suppose leak that happened recently thanks to Sony.
This flew under our radar. Apparently people who downloaded the digital-download of GTA V in PSN Europe had access to certain assets of the game by mistake. Sony released a statement apologizing for the leak, but Rockstar still expressed disappointment over how they handled their content:
We’re pleased to confirm that Grand Theft Auto V has officially gone gold and we’re now preparing the game for release on September 17th for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Unfortunately, as many of you may already know, some people who downloaded the digital pre-order of Grand Theft Auto V through the PlayStation Store in Europe were able to access certain GTAV assets leading to leaked information and media from the game appearing online. You can read Sony’s statement on this here: As you can imagine, we are deeply disappointed by leaks and spoilers being spread in advance of the game's launch. GTAV represents years of hard work by many people across the world, and we all couldn't be more excited to finally share it with you properly this September 17th. Please stay tuned here at the Rockstar Newswire for all announcements about GTAV between now and game release as we definitely still have more to officially reveal.
As a specific note to our Social Club community, please remember Rule #1 right above the Comment Box. Please do not proliferate such things here as we certainly don’t want any misinformation spread from things that are fake nor do we want spoilers spread regarding anything that might be true. Anyone engaging in such discussion here at the Rockstar Newswire before September 17th will have commenting privileges revoked until well after the game’s release. Thank you all for your understanding and your support.
What is the leak? Not entirely sure and I don't want to know. I honestly don't think it would matter what it is since the game is less than a month away. But I'm sure you want to keep yourself spoiler-free up until release. So let's focus on the good news coming from this - Rockstar is done developing GTA V. Nothing can stop it now from releasing on September 17.
Just in case you missed it, our first ever giveaway is currently on-going. One lucky reader will get a chance to get a PS3 copy of GTA V on release day on us! Get all the details here. Take note: Giveaway is only available to readers in the Philippines.
[Source: Rockstar Games]