Silent Hill: Book of Memories launch trailer
Konami released a launch trailer for Silent Hill: Book of Memories. Book of Memories is considered a spin-off, so don't expect the usual Silent Hill survival horror. It's a PS Vita exclusive and this is the first ever Silent Hill game that has a co-op feature, that and a camera angle that I do not like one bit. Have a look at the trailer below.
This is not a Silent Hill game at all. So fans of the series will be very disappointed. The best way to look at this game is to completely forget that it's a Silent Hill game.If yo're looking for a new co-op game to play with friends, this might fly, but at first glance, it seems rough around the edges.
Oh and just in case you missed the E3 trailer...
Silent Hill: Book of Memories comes out on October 16 exclusively for the PS Vita.