Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters Free to Play on PSN
You read that right. Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters is free to play on PSN. Core Fighters is essentially the full Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate but without story mode and with only 4 playable characters.
This was actually announced before Tekken Revolution but was just released on September 3rd for North America and September 5th for Japan. I have never played any DoA game before but was always curious as how to how the game played. Pretty big breasted anime girls aside, the counter system always intrigued me and the combat looked solid. For a time, I was considering getting a copy of Dead or Alive 5 not too long ago until they announced Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate which is Team Ninja's version of pulling a Capcom ala Super Street Fighter IV. Unfortunately with this being the start of new releases left and right, I have no budget for DoA5U so this free to play version was right up my alley.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters lets you play all the modes of DoA5U with the exception of Story Mode, which you have to purchase separately. The free to play game includes four characters, namely Kasumi, Hayabusa, Ayane and Hayate. For a limited time, Jann Lee and Hitomi are also playable. Each character will got for $4.99 while Story Mode will be $14.99. You can unlock all the characters for $34.99 but story mode is not included with that price.
With what I've played of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters, I actually want to get the full game now though I think buying an R3 copy of DoA5U will be cheaper than purchasing the character unlock pack. With Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters, Tekken Revolution and the upcoming Killer Instinct, will these games spark a new trend of free to play fighting games?