Zone of Enders HD Collection coming Fall, and some news about a new MGS
Konami confirms the release of an HD Collection for Zone of Enders. It was rumored by Hideo Kojima himself with some twitter pics but now it's officially announced and will hit shelves this fall for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
Fall pretty much means sometime around September. No confirmed date was mentioned so far. It will include Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner fully remastered.
"We are looking forward to bringing the legendary Zone of the Enders series to fans old and new in a high-definition format with the Zone of Enders HD Collection," said Tomoyuki Tsuboi, President of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
I'm sure the fans were hoping for a new Zone of Enders, but looks like any plans for that is on hold since Hideo Kojima was placed in the seat once again to continue the Metal Gear Solid series.
Above is the first art for the next Metal Gear Solid game. It's just Big Boss with a dog with him, nothing to see. Konami is currently hiring developers to work on the game and so far this is the only info about it, aside from it actually happening.
Hideo said at one point that he wanted the 4th to be the last of Snake, so anything is up in the air on how the 5th will go.