Destiny 2 Season of Defiance Weekly Reset - What is Happening in Week 12
/We are now in Week 12 of Destiny 2’s Season of Defiance (Season 20), the final week for the season as well as the final week for the annual Guardian Games event. This week’s all about cleaning up what you haven’t done as the next reset of the game transitions to Season 21 - Season of the Deep.
Destiny 2 - Season of Defiance Week 12
Grandmasters features the new Lake of Shadow
The Grandmaster week for Season of the Defiance will feature the new Lake of Shadow strike with The Swarm (Adept) being the weapon you can earn from all the GM grinding this week.
If you are not familiar with the new to the Lake of Shadows Strike, just take it slow, just like every Grandmaster run. The final encounter is where things can get dicey as cover can get limited if you don’t control the enemies spawning and do not shoot the black portals that make certain parts of the area hazardous to those that stand there.
Rank boost for Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit!
It’s the last week and of course Bungie doubles the reputation you earn for three of the game’s main activities. If you are behind on the rewards tracks for either main activity, now is the best time to catch up and get the rewards you want, especially the Season Challenges, in case you are trying to complete each one.
Last week for Guardian Games
This is the last week for Guardian Games as well, so clean up what you need to do to earn the event’s Triumphs and be sure to get all the rolls you want from the Guardian Games featured weapons this year. If you are still wondering what rolls you should be looking for both the Scout and SMG, here’s a list of perk rolls you should consider keeping.
If you are playing catch up, you can read all you need to know about this year’s Guardian Games here.
Featured Raid and Dungeon for Week 12
Week 12’s featured raid is Kings Fall, which features all of its challenges, in case you are still looking to complete your Triumph for that raid. the new Root of Nightmares raid also features a challenge this week called ‘All Hands’, which will take place in the final encounter. To complete this challenge, all Fireteam members must activate a light night and dark node during every DPS phase of the encounter. You then are required to shoot the final node for both sides within just a few seconds of each other.
For the featured Dungeon, we have the Grasp f Avarice, and as always, both the featured raid and Dungeon will earn you a Pinnacle reward.
Lastly, the Nightfall raid Root of Nightmares this week features a challenge called Cosmic Equilibrium, which requires the raid team during the Planets encounter to move all the dark planets on the left side of the room and the light planets on the right side of the room.
The new Guardian Games-themed emote is tempting and expensive
This week’s Bright Dust offering is still offering cosmetics and emotes themed around the ongoing Guardian Games event, but we do get a new multiplayer emote called Gladiator blows, which you can see above. It will bring out the Gladiator in you but will set you back 4,250 Bright Dust.
Other notable offers this week is the Triumphant Ornament for the Heir Apparent Exotic weapon and the Photo Finish shader in Bright Dust section of the Featured page of the in-game store.
Like always, all the activity rewards and modifiers found in different locations in Destiny 2 have slightly changed and you can find the full list on Destiny 2’s subreddit page.
Season of the Deep is around the corner and Bungie has slowly rolled out what to expect from this underwater-themed season, detailing the exotic armors changes and the ability changes coming next week.
Assassin’s Creed Shadows greatly blends the classic Assassin’s Creed stealth with the RPG elements of recent entries. Its dynamic world, seasonal changes, and improved stealth mechanics make exploration a joy, but Yasuke’s restrictive gameplay, overall story, and a half-baked notoriety system hold it back.