Exoprimal: Beginner Tips You Should Know Before Playing
/Capcom’s newest IP Exoprimal is a big surprise from the company as it’s an online co-op game with a chance at fighting opposing teams at the end of each mission. It’s filled with overly exaggerated dinosaurs and mutated ones that a team of five players equipped with Exosuits is needed to succeed in every mission. It’s a game that makes me think of Gears of War’s Horde Mode, or Left 4 Dead, and if you’re familiar with that sort of concept you're almost set to jump in, but here are a few tips you should know to get the most out of the game.
Always check the Analysis Map after each match
You’ll be taught how the Analysis Map works when you boot up the game but I can’t stress this enough – always progress the story. Even if the overall story of Exoprimal is not your cup of tea you can skip it by simply holding a single button. The reason why you need to check every new entry in the Analysis Map is because progressing it will introduce new elements to Dino Survival, the game’s main game mode where all the action takes place.
If you ignore the story and keep queueing for an online match, you’ll earn experience and Gold (the game’s in-game currency) but don’t get shocked when you noticed you are doing the same content over and over.
Be a team player
Just like other team-based co-op games, working as a team will yield better results than acting like a lone wolf. If a teammate is down, revive; if you see one player holding down a wave of dinosaurs by himself on one side, come over and help. Mindlessly killing dinosaurs might seem effective at the early missions but sooner or later you’ll notice that team synergy and cooperation between those you are paired up with will go a long way in increasing your chances of winning.
Always stick to the objective
Speaking of being a team player, never forget that this game is objective-based. Each Dino Survival match consists of multiple segments each having a randomized objective. You will either be tasked to kill X number of dinosaurs, hold a specific area of the map, escort a moving cube, or collect data shards to win the entire thing. Whatever is given to you, make sure that this is your top priority. Five players on the objective will always be faster, and will give you the best chance at winning.
Dino Survival is all about speed
Dino Survival is all about speed more than anything, which is why being a team player and focusing on objective matters in Exoprimal. The faster the team finishes their objectives, the better chances you have of winning the game as the final mission in Dino Survival sometimes gives the fastest team an advantage, like allowing them to start the last mission first.
Leviathan, the AI that is conducting all these Dino Survival matches, will inform you if you are ahead or behind after every objective. If you are behind, don’t let that discourage you as I’ve experienced multiple matches where we were behind but in the end, turned things around to win the whole thing.
Keep an eye on the minimap at all times
The minimap is the best asset in Exoprimal’s hud as it conveys all the information you need, especially when there are waves of dinosaurs swarming your area.
When you see a purple radius in one area, adjust as that’s the indicator that a portal is opening as that area will soon spawn a new wave of dinosaurs. Being aware of what’s happening will be a big help for your team from being swarmed, especially if you are the tank of your team.
Adapt, and change Exosuits on the fly when needed
Speaking of roles, make sure you are comfortable with at least one of each role available as you progress through the game. You can’t control how the players you are teamed up with act or adapt to a situation, but you can at least adapt to what was given to you. If no one wants to play the tanking role or the support role, consider switching as your decision to switch before the match began will likely be the reason why your team won the match.
Don’t forget that you can also switch anytime during a match. If let’s say you are facing too many flying dinosaurs and you are using a melee-focused Exosuit, don’t wait for your team to take them out, switch just for that situation to help out as speed and efficiency matter in this game.
Don’t forget to upgrade and use different Rigs
In Exoprimal, you can customize an Exosuit by applying up to three modules that will alter certain properties of the suit. When you have some Modules equipped, and like what it gives your suit, don’t forget to spend Gold to upgrade them further as each one can be upgraded up to level 5.
Rigs are another method to change things up. Everyone starts with a Cannon but will eventually have access to more Rigs as you level up. Equip a rig that best complements the Exosuit you are using, or provide an element that the suit lacks. For example, tanks will appreciate the Cannon for added firepower and range, while the melee dps suit Zephyr will benefit from the ability to heal himself with the Aid Rig since it’s more susceptible to damage.
Don’t get distracted by enemy players too much
The final objective in every match is always a competition against the opposing team. It can be either a race to finish a series of objectives or a race to finish a single objective while facing the opposing team head-on.
When you do get the chance to do pvp against the other team, don’t forget that the objective is still the key to winning the whole match. Don’t go off chasing enemies for the sake of killing as all it does is take the player out of the game for a small amount of time.
The only time you should engage a player is when they are disrupting your team from completing your objective.
Don’t worry, you’ll eventually unlock the other Exosuits
When you start playing Exoprimal, you’ll notice that three Exosuits will be unlocked at the start. Don’t be enticed to spend money to quickly have them unlocked (you can sadly do that with real money) as each one will slowly unlock once you reach a certain player level.
The Support Exosuit Nimbus can be unlocked once you reach level 20, the tank Exosuit Murasame can be unlocked at level 30, and lastly, the dps Exosuit Vigilant can be unlocked once you reach level 40. Each of them cost 5,000 Gold, so be sure you have around that much when you reach any of the level thresholds mentioned.
Despite its aging personality, Two Point Museum is the strongest entry in the series yet. The improved gameplay flow, deeper simulation mechanics, and museum theme provide just the right level of creative freedom and challenge.