Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Guide - Beginner Tips and Tricks To Be the Best Spidey
/Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is now out in the wild and if you’re waiting patiently for the launch patch to finish downloading or plan to play the game in the near future, here are some spoiler-free beginner tips and tricks to help you in your adventure as Spider-Man.
Don’t always mash attack, there are better ways to take enemies out
It’s tempting and, most likely enough to win most fights, but you’re Spider-Man, a resourceful superhero that has a variety of tools to take out enemies. He can even utilize whatever is in the area. Before mashing your way to victory, see what resources you have and skills/tools available. Throw a power box to take out sand people as shock takes them out instantly, throw down an object as it might be close enough to take someone out, or if you are on top of a building, consider tossing enemies off the building. That last one is a bit brutal but as long as it gets the job done.
Completely webbing someone knocked down takes them out of the fight
Always remember that anyone knocked down can be webbed, completely taking them out of the fight. Instead of beating up someone until he’s completely knocked out, consider tossing him in the air and slamming him into the ground then webbing him to even the odds.
Kraven’s men that are hanging on walls with guns are vulnerable to your webbings as webbing them up when in this position will instantly web them.
Unlock another Focus bar ASAP
The only means to heal in the game in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is to use one focus bar to heal a good chunk of Spidey’s health. The issue that you’ll be facing early on is if you want to use a focus bar to instantly take out an enemy or heal up.
The game starts with you having one for both Spideys, so options are limited. To make it easier, I would suggest you use your first batch of tech resources to improve your suit to have an additional Focus Bar.
That way, with at least two bars, you won’t feel that vulnerable if you use a focus bar to take down a troublesome enemy instantly, leaving the last Focus Bar as a fallback in case you take too much damage. Another good reason to have a second bar is that two bars allow you to finish off Brute enemies, the big hulking ones that are really hard to miss.
The second upgrade in the Focus tree gives you your second Focus Bar. You can get your third one on the fifth upgrade of the Focus tree
Always prioritize enemies with ranged attacks
When fighting goons, you’ll notice a white line targeting you that eventually turns red. White is when an enemy with a ranged attack is lining up a shot at you, red is when he presses the trigger, and your last chance to dodge out of the way.
Dodging these shots isn’t much of a problem but it does disrupt the flow if you handling those in melee range, which is why it’s better to focus on those attacking you from afar.
Take them out and you’ll have an easier time clearing the rest.
Get used to the attack indicators early on
When you see white wavy lines around Spidey’s head, that's his Spider Sense tingling, telling you you are about to get hit. White is an indicator to dodge, red is your chance at a perfect dodge, which, if done successfully, will web the attack while dodging.
But this isn’t the only thing you have to keep an eye on as Spider-Man 2 now allows both Spideys to parry incoming attacks.
If you see an enemy going at you with yellow wavy lines around their body, that’s an indicator that the incoming attack cannot be dodged but only parried, requiring you to press the L1 button the moment the attack connects.
Understand the differences of what Spidey’s Spider Sense is telling you as you’ll need it in further fights, especially during boss encounters.
Focus on the story first, do the side stuff later
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is an open world game with a variety of activities for you to do and in case the completionist in you is saying that you should complete a district before moving forward, don’t worry, you won’t miss anything.
You’ll notice right away that some activities are still locked. Even if you complete all of them, you’ll find yourself going back to do the new activities.
This is why it’s best to focus on the story and consider completing districts later in the game.
Crime reports are a good source of Tech Parts
Sider-Man has a crazy amount of suits and upgrades for both Spideys and it can get very expensive as you need a lot of Tech pieces to not only upgrade your suit and gadgets but to unlock almost all suits available in the game.
The best source is participating in a crime event that simply pops up as you swing around the streets of New York. You’ll get the notification thanks to Ganke’s trusty app and completing it will roughly give you around 50 -100 Tech Parts, depending on the encounter.
For more Tech Parts, keep an eye out for chests glowing blue on top of buildings they usually contain a small amount of Tech Parts compared to crime events but picking these up while swinging around will stack up nicely that you’ll be surprised that you have enough for your next upgrade or new suit.
Crime events do not reward you with Rare Tech Parts or Hero tokens as those are for other activities, especially completing activities in each district and certain missions. You can find chests with Rare Tech Parts on top of buildings as these chests are glowing in yellow.
Reserve Focus Bars on bigger enemies, even bosses
The Focus Bars are tricky and should be used sparingly as they serve as an easy way to take out an enemy and heal you. But when things get tough and you need to use a Focus Bar to finish off an enemy, make sure you use them on the bigger enemies as some of them will either be taken out right away or deal a great amount of damage to them.
You should also use Focus Bar finishers on those special enemies with special abilities to lessen the chaos in the battle. For boss fights, if you’re life is still reasonably high, use a Focus Bar to do a special attack on the boss as they do a significant amount of damage that could end fights sooner rather than later.
Make sure you find time to do Spidey-specific side missions
There are a few missions that can only be done by either Miles or Peter, so make sure you alternate between each one as you roam the streets of New York.
Some are short and sweet while there are others that give you a hint at what to expect in the future.
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