Monster Hunter Rise Title Update Adds 3 Elder Dragons, Increased Hunter Rank Cap, And More
/Capcom just announced that a free title update for Monster Hunter Rise is coming later today, April 28, which adds 3 new elder dragons to hunt, new quests, an increase in the Hunter Rank cap, and more.
[UPDATE 04/28/21]: Surprise! Bezelgeuse was apparently added into the game during the 2.0 Title Update. The annoying bastard snuck in without anyone noticing. Watch out, as he’s known to crash parties and pick a fight with whoever monster he meets.
The new monsters being added to Monster Hunter Rise are three Elder Dragons Teostra, Kushala Daora, and Chameleos, plus Apex versions of Diablos and Rathalos. With these monsters now roaming the areas of Rise, this means new weapons and armor to craft from hunting them.
After the 2.0 free title update, instead of being capped at Hunter Rank 7, Hunter Ranks will be unlocked and you can start earning rank points after quests. As you progress through the ranks, the new monsters added to the game will start appearing.
New quests are also added in this update such as Arena quests, advanced single player quests to challenge your skill in the game up to this point. Another addition is Magnamalo now appearing in Rampage quests, so keep a look out.
New Free Event quests are also added but will require a download first in order to play them. Don’t worry, once these quests are downloaded, they can be played offline at anytime.
More paid DLC will also be available once the 2.0 title update goes live in case you’re interested in changing the look of your hunter. A free character edit voucher is also waiting for you in the Nintendo eShop for those that made a slight mistake during character creation.
This is a hefty update that will keep players busy for the next one to roll out, which is expected to release sometime at the end of May and will also bring in new monsters to slay as well as a new ending. Monster Hunter Rise’s 2.0 title update should now be available as it’s expected to roll out on April 28, 8 AM PST (Philippine Standard Time) / April 27, 8 PM EST.
A crossover event with the upcoming Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is also planned sometime in July. Simply having a save data of the game will unlock the default Rider armor from Wings of Ruin as layered armor for your Monster Hunter Rise character. Layered armor is Monster Hunter’s way of transmog, allowing players to change the appearance of specific gear.
Monster Hunter Rise is now available on the Nintendo Switch. Give our full review of the game a read as we’ve spent over 100 hours on the game and still going strong, more so with the added title update.
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