No Man’s Sky still has the infinite money glitch from the Outlaws update

[UPDATE 4/20/22]: It was good while it lasted but Hello Games have finally patched this glitch in the 3.87 patch.

Hello Games’ No Man’s Sky was updated with the Outlaws patch which adds more features to the game, improving space combat, adding capes and more. But one feature that wasn’t expected is an infinite money glitch for both the Units and Nanites currency of the game. The Outlaws patch went live on April 14 and the glitch is still there. 

During the long weekend, I booted No Man’s Sky to try out the new patch. Luckily enough, all is well with the game as I explore planet to planet, building my base and unlocking the many blueprints to give me more options to create and upgrade.

How to do the infinite money glitch in No Man’s Sky

Then, the money glitch, a bug that I didn’t even know existed until today. I just came across it naturally as I wanted to unload what I’ve gathered. 

It’s simple to do as all you need are items in your ship’s new cargo inventory. You then head to any trading post or space station where you can sell your items and just sell what is currently stored in your ship’s inventory. Selling them will earn you the appropriate amount of money, but the items you sold remain in your inventory. Which means you can sell it over and over without losing the item.

Some sell naturally, like Carbon or other common materials, but I find minerals such as Gold and Silver have the bug as it never leaves my ship’s cargo after selling.

I thought it was an online issue on my end, but no, I was able to sell the same stack of items for money without losing them, earning over 500k in Units in just minutes. This bug also works for the more valuable currency Nanites, but it needs to be done in an Outlaw Station. Buy an upgrade module from a Salvage Dealer then do the same process - put the upgrade module in your ship’s cargo, and sell it to earn as much Nanites as you want. 

Those in Reddit have noticed the glitch and people have been aware of it for days now, so it’s a bit surprising to see it still working. Though, then again, it is the long weekend. The developers must still be on a break, as the Outlaw patch did go live on April 14, 2022. I suspect a quick fix will come anytime this week so best to make use of it now if you wish before Hello Games releases a fix.