Starfield Guide - How To Get the Mark 1 Spacesuit Armor Set Early in the Game
/Starfield is a big game filled with various weapons and armor to loot as you explore the galaxy, and if you are starting out and hope to snag strong armor early in the game, you could get the Mark 1 Spacesuit armor set practically free thanks to an easy trick.
The Mark 1 Spacesuit Armor is a great set to start out with as it provides high physical, energy, and electromagnetic resistance. Its rarity is in the basic tier (white) but you’ll find nothing with stats like it in the early parts of the game. It has no traits but at least you can modify it once you have the skills to modify your suits.
Starfield Guide - Where to find the Mark 1 Spacesuit Armor Set
You can find the Mark 1 Spacesuit Armor set once you’ve reached Constellation’s Lodge, the not-so-secret organization that focuses on discovery in space, and is hell-bent on figuring out the purpose of the Artifacts you’ve been in contact with at the start of the game.
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The Lodge, the organization’s primary base of operations, is located in New Atlantis, the first major city you visit in the game. When you enter the lodge, head right and go all the way down until you see a room filled with various crafting stations. Go past the stations then take a right, then go straight in the room in front of you. To the room’s left, you’ll find a mannequin in a display case with a spacesuit set inside. This is the Mark 1 Spacesuit armor set, locked away and protected by a lock that requires one to be at least rank 3 in the Security skill in order to attempt lockpicking Master keys, which are the game’s hardest locks.
How to easily get the Mark 1 Spacesuit Armor Set
Instead of using a Digipick and investing some skill points to unlock the display case the normal way, you can do a little trick to simply grab the contents for free.
The trick is fairly easy to do as all you need to do is place your character’s target reticle dot in between the right side of the display case door. If you look closely, there’s actually a gap, and if point towards the gap touching the armor you will get the prompt to interact with the contents inside and just grab the suit without needing to pick the lock.
You’ll know you’ve done it right once the overlay changes from Door (Locked) to simply Mannequin (shown above).
Thanks to the small gap in the display case door, you are bypassing the lock entirely by interacting with the mannequin inside. Mannaquins in this game act like storage containers so once you get access simply open it and grab the armor. You’ll have the armor with the door still locked.
That’s it! It’s that easy and this trick can work with other containers in a similar situation. I’ve encountered weapons locked away in a locked glass display case but can easily grab them with ease simply because the gun model was so big that some parts of its body clip through the glass, allowing me to simply grab it.
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