Phoenix Wright and Nova revealed for UMVC 3
Capcom reveals two new characters for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. For Capcom's side we have Phoenix Wright. Yes, we have an attorney joining a fighing game. For the Marvel side, we have Nova from the Nova Force. While I'm not too familiar with Marvel's Nova character, I'm sure everybody is more familiar with Capcom's new addition and damn curious how Phoenix Wright will play in a fighting game. Check the trailers for both characters below.
Phoenix Wright gameplay trailer
Nova gameplay trailer
While Nova looks like he fits well in Marvel vs Capcom 3, Phoenix Wright on the other hand, well lets just say hats off to Capcom in making a non-fighting character a fighting character. Phoenix Wright looking for clues, throwing papers at character's faces and shouting out OBJECTION! An interesting new addition indeed. We'll see if he turns out viable when the game ships on November 15 for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
[Source: Capcom-Europe]