Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Rocket Raccoon and Frank West Character Reveal Trailer
Capcom just revealed the last two characters joinging Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom3, for Marvel we have...... Rocket Raccoon. I have no clue that Marvel had a character like this and people thought he'd be a joke. Well from what I see in the trailer reveal, he's going to be pretty nasty. Can't wait to see the pro's get their hands on this small critter. For Capcom's side we have Frank West, the protagonist of the first Dead Rising game. He honestly looks similar to when he was in Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
Rocket Raccoon Character Reveal Trailer
It seems he has a lot of tricks up his sleeves. Rocket Raccoon going underground might come as a problem, at the same time the guy is just as small as Amaterasu(The dog in Marvel vs Capcom 3) so his hit box will be definitely be an issue for some character moves.
Frank West Character Reveal Trailer
What's up with the level up system of Frank West? I have no idea what it's for. He also drinks alcohol that looks like a buff,but makes you vomit after a few seconds. He looks like a trippy character though. His camera shot looks like it interrupts attacks.
Frank West vs Rocket Raccoon
The list of characters joining Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is complete. What's left is waiting for its release a few weeks from now. Selling your vanilla copy to get your copy? I already sold mine, not much of a sell though.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is out on November 15 for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.