Free Ni No Kuni DLC coming this Feb 12
Ni No Kuni just got released last week for the Playstation 3 and I'm sure most of you are playing right now. Well, if your loving the game so far, you might want to check out the Playstation Store on February 12 for some free DLC.
Publisher Namco Bandai just announced that you can download the Draggle Familiar free of charge on the Playstation Store when it gets available. With an industry now filled with paid DLC's at every corner, it's good to see every now and then free content, even though it's as simple as a new familiar for your game.
A new trailer was also released to get a glimpse of Oliver's adventure to another world. From what I'm hearing, this is turning out to be one of the best JRPG's to hit this generation. And that soundtrack...
[Source: Polygon]