HOLY WEEK! What are you playing!?
Happy long weekend! Well, for those in the Philippines at least, thanks to this week's holy week. It's a bit late to create a post like this since holy week did start last Wednesday, but yesterday is really when everybody is in relax mode for the whole week, I'm sure some of you have plans to go out with family, but I'm positive there are some, like myself, are all set to get some gaming done. What are you planning to play during this long weekend??
Carlos: I honestly have a lot planned. Since I started my new job last month, I've had a couple of games neglected since I just didn't have the time to play them. I still want to play a few games of Smite, the Free-To-Play Third Person MOBA, to get a better feel of the game. and I've yet to finish Final Fantasy XIII-2 (I'm literally in the end, just need to cross that finish line). But thanks to me getting BioShock Infinite, I'm putting that as my top priority because the game is just too darn good.
I literally got glued to the controller once I started up my Xbox 360 with BioShock inside. I'm on my second night with the game and its a pretty lengthy game, which I appreciate. Because at this point, I really don't want it to end anytime soon. I'm playing on hard on my first playthrough and I just realized that the Handy Man is the worst enemy to face if you don't know which Vigor to use. Keep a look out for them, they are no joke.
Arlie: For this long weekend I was just planning to play my backlog games like Dishonored (haven't touched the game yet). I knew Bioshock Infinite will be released this week but I really have no plan buying it. But when I watched and read some of the reviews, I knew I have to get the game at the last minute before the malls close for the Holy Week. I got a copy for my PS3 (shown above) and it includes the Original Bioshock in the disc that you have to install first before playing. Since it is a long weekend most of my Steam friends are online, we play casual private game of DOTA 2.
Migoy: Started playing Asura's Wrath last week and I think I'm almost done with the games. The last episode I played was episode 15 and most of the bad guys are already dead so yeah. After that the PS3 copies of Bioshock Infinite come with the first Bioshock on disc, I was so tempted to buy a copy though with holy week happening, I won't be able to buy a copy at least until Saturday (given that the shops still have it in stock). Aside from that, I downloaded a bunch of free-to-play games on Steam so I might try some of them out. That and I also downloaded Surgeon Simulator 2013.