Crytek USA looking into buying Darksiders franchise
This is actually old news but I was thinking if posting anyway because I'd really like this franchise to stay afloat for future projects. With me now a fan of the series that has now played both Darksiders 1 and 2, It would be sad to see a series go out like this simply because It couldn't find a new home after THQ's unfortunate bankruptcy. But thankfully a company has taken interested . Crytek USA has shown interest and the best part is a good portion of what used to be Vigil Games(Developers of Darksiders) is now working at the said studio.
CEO of Crytek USA David Adams was once the head of Vigil Games and is now attempting to bid the Darksiders franchise during this month's last batch of THQ IP auction. The CEO tweeted that "The IP belongs in the hands of its creators.". The bidding started during the start of April and all bids concluded on the 15th of April, on May 1, we will see the results of the auction.
Hopefully everything goes their way since I'd like to see the franchise get picked up and hopefully continued in the near future. There's a chance someone would own the franchise when the auction ends this month, but the best case scenario is Crytek USA owning it. Crytek is excited with the newly formed USA studio composed of Vigil developers but is sadly not interested in making a new Darksiders game as of right now. But it's better to have the series in the creators pockets when an opportunity presents itself.
Darksiders is a game with tons of elements mixed together. It's one title that isn't afraid to take risks, and the difference in gameplay between the two games is quite big thanks to the second game's level up and loot system that makes you feel like your playing some sort of action RPG mixed with Zelda-like gameplay.
If you get the chance, try out Darksiders 1 and 2. If your into hack and slash games, you might appreciate this game plus the added elements around it. I'm currently going through Darksiders 2 on my PC and It bothers me that when I finish the game, there might be nothing after it. Praying that we get good news at the end of the month.