Dead Rising 3's new trailer shows the many ways to deal with a zombie horde
When it comes to the Dead Rising franchise, the weapons you create to dispose a horde of zombies can go from creative, to down-right hilarious. Even with Dead Rising 3's more serious look, the different weapons you can wield can still bring a big smile in your face. Check out the trailer below.
Weapon crafting is nothing new if you've experienced the first two games. But what's new for the third game is you can actually customize certain vehicles in the game to be zombie killing machines. It may look like a dark Dead Rising, but it's really not with all the weapons shown in this video, especially with the protagonist dressing as Ryu handing out shoryuken's to every zombie near him. Which is why I think the look of the second game was a complete fit with the gameplay.
Regardless, it definitely looks like a good exclusive launch title for the Xbox One. Speaking of which, get ready because it's only two months until we hit November, which I dub next-gen launch month.
[Source: Gamezone]