Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time
/ Cartoon licenced games don't tend to be good, mediocre at best, but there are some that when looked at closely and buffed just a little bit turn out to be gems. Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time is one of them. A GBA (Gameboy Advance) game with a bit of RPG and Metroidvania elements and controls that require you to be cautious with your actions. Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time is a fun little side scroller that's very true to the show. Watch as I jump into Aku's twisted future and try to find a way back to the past.
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 01 - Metroidvania?
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 02 - Stiff Controls
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 03 - VS Robo Spider Ant Boss
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 04 - Some Prince of Persia Shit
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 05 - More of the Castle
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 06 - VS Priest Bot
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 07 - I Figured it Out
Samurai Jack: The The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 08 - Exploring
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 09 - VS Ghost Viking and Fire Boss
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 10 - Late Night Samurai Jacking
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 11 - VS Robo Minotaur
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 12 - More of the Ice Place
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 13 - Jacking in the Monk Temple
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 14 - Game Crash
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 15 - Neo Retro Tokyo
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 16 - VS Android Brain
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 17 - VS Hologram Megaman
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 18 - Aku City
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (GBA) Part 19 FINALE - VS Aku