Guild Wars 2 confirmed for 2012
Happy Chinese New Year to all! ArenaNet founder and President Mike O'Brian posted interesting news about Guild Wars 2 in ArenaNet's official blog. Not only is this the year of the Dragon, but its the year for Guild Wars 2.
The post also mentions that they have recently concluded the closed beta of Guild Wars 2 and is now moving forward in opening the beta to a wider audience. Starting in February, they will be opening the beta to selected press and on March and April, they will be inviting more people to help test out Guild Wars 2.
While there is no official release date yet for Guild Wars 2, the last sentence of the post confirms that Guild Wars 2 will be on shelves this year. So Guild Wars fanatics, just hold your breathe for a little bit longer. Release is near.
This brought a smile to my face, but I'd be happier if they gave us a release date already so I can count the days. Does everybody else agree?
[Source: Massively]