Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 TGS trailer reveals Virgil and Ironfist gameplay
During TGS 2011, Capcom reveals a new trailer revealing two new characters for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. In Capcom's side Virgil(Dante's brother) joins the fight. While in the Marvel side, we have Iron Fist, a martial arts master. Not only do they show new characters, they also reveal another interesting announcement.
Not only do they officially reveal two new characters, the trailer also confirms the leaked character roster of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. During the trailer, You see pictures of Frank West, Phoenix Wright and other characters in the leaked roster. Also in the trailer, they also reveal that a portable version of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is heading for the PS Vita and it looks pretty good.
TGS 2011 trailer
Virgil Trailer
Iron First Trailer
[Sources: Eventhubs, Video Game Lounge]