Anarchy Reigns Online Ranked

anarchy reigns online Anarchy Reigns finally came out so that means that I'll be able to find some matches online. Thought finding matches isn't exactly the cake walk I was hoping for, I was able to get in a few team matches and was able to try out one 16-man free for all battle royale.

There probably won't be a lot of these because, to be honest. As much as I love Anarchy Reigns, I doubt this will last in terms of online play. *sigh* If only this game had offline multiplayer.

Anarchy Reigns Playthrough

Anarchy Reigns Anarchy Reigns will be getting a legit English release in January but if you caught my post a while back, you'd know that I had a copy imported.

Think of this as a sort of "early look" at the game. Now I know that there are a ton of Max Anarchy/Anarchy Reigns videos out there but I'm sure not everyone has the exact same experience. Here's my playthrough of Anarchy Reigns.

By the way, get this game. It's awesome.

Recent Buys: Episode 13 - Max Anarchy

Max Anarchy Max Anarchy (Anarchy Reigns in the US) is sort of in "localization limbo" right now since SEGA delayed the US release for another year. The Japanese version has complete English menus, voices, etc in the game which means that the game is complete. Instead of waiting for another year for a game that might not even see the light of US shores, I took matters into my own hands and imported the game.

I have many reasons for wanting this game. Let me name a few. It's made by Platinum Games. I like action games. It features Bayonetta. It features Jack from MadWorld. And it features Bayonetta. Bayonetta is actually available as DLC and I needed to make a Japanese PSN account to use the redeem code included. I had my copy of Max Anarchy imported by and it took about 5 weeks for the game to arrive and the game is in great condition. If you guys want any Japanese games imported, I'd recommend you conttact the folks at