Monster Hunter: World Has Another Beta On The PS4, Days Before Official Release
/A group of hunters against Nergigante.
Capcom has just announced a third and final beta for Monster Hunter World and it will be exclusive to PS4 users. The last beta will run from January 19 - 22, before the game's official release on January 26.
The final beta will include the three quests available during the first and second beta but this time Capcom is adding the quest to hunt for Nergigante, a terrifying looking beast.
Together with the beta announcement, they also announced that the first post-launch content coming to the game will be the Deviljho monster. It will be a free content update in spring and more content is planned after release.
Lastly, Capcom released a new trailer featuring the elder dragons. Kushala Daora, Teostra, the new Dodogama dragon, plus new and familiar monsters were featured, showing that players will have a lot in their hands later this month.
Monster Hunter World will be available on PS4 and Xbox One on January 26. The PC released was also announced to come out in Autumn, 7 months after the console release.