How To Get Rathalos Ruby And Other Rare Gems In Monster Hunter: World
/In Monster Hunter World, elemental damage and defense are essential and you'll find yourself having different weapons and armor that would best suit the monster you are currently hunting. As you progress you'll notice the need for items such as a Rathalos Ruby or Rathian Ruby, and they can be quite difficult to get.
These rare materials can only be found in High Rank Missions, which are missions at Hunter Rank 6 and above. During these High Rank missions, you'll be going against tougher versions of each monster and they all come with new materials to loot, especially those precious rubies. The problem is the chances to get them are quite low, but there are ways to up your chances during each hunt.
Stars represent the frequency of drops. Rathalos ruby has a one star in the Carves section of the loot box.
Break All The Parts For Better Results
It's common practice in Monster Hunter games to capture your target for more loot but it isn't the best way if you are looking for the gem of that specific monster. While it's possible to get a ruby from investigation rewards at the end of a hunt, we found that carving and breaking every piece of the monster provides a bigger chance of getting one. Each piece you break has a chance of dropping a ruby or gem. In the image above, breaking the head, back, and carving the tail has a chance of dropping a Rathalos Ruby, with another chance at carving a dead Rathalos.
So if you are planning to hunt for rare materials like the Rathalos Ruby, equip decorations that will increase your chances of breaking or cutting parts of monsters. Make sure you also do investigation hunts rewarding you with more than one gold reward for better results. You can also get a chance of looting a ruby with your Palico's Plunder Blade, so be sure to equip that for your partner as his gadget.
Melding items is also a good way to get specific consumables through low tier materials rotting in your storage.
Gold Wyverian Print Is All You Need
Let's say that you need that specific gem but currently in no mood to kill Bazelgeuse 20 times in hopes of getting it. Another way to get these rare materials is through the Melding feature. Melding is a great recycling tool for players and if you have a Gold Wyveryian Print in storage, you can meld one for any gem or ruby you need.
The Gold Wyverian Print is rare and so far one of the rewards for completing all the limited bounties for the week. Head on over to the Resource Center and complete all of the weekly bounties in the Limited Bounties tab and you'll have the Gold Wyverian Print ready for Melding.
Argosy has proven to be a good place to dump your Research points for more items and consumables.
Argosy Shipments Can Have Them
Argosy, the ship that takes trips to the old world and heads back to the new world with goodies for you to buy. The chances are unknown but this we've experienced them popping once in awhile. You hardly have control on what you could get through the Argosy but it doesn't hurt looking when it arrives.
We still recommend Hunting Investigations. Break all the parts of the monster, carve it, abd sooner than later you'll have all the gems and rubies you need for those High Rank gear. You know what's the crazy part? This is only a fraction of the end game grind.
Capcom has refreshed the Monster Hunter Wilds event quest lineup, bringing new limited-time hunts with exclusive rewards. From challenging Guardian encounters to valuable Artian materials, there’s plenty to tackle in the coming weeks. Here’s a full breakdown of the event quests running from late March into mid-April 2025.