Final Fantasy XVI Will Not Be Featured During Tokyo Game Show 2021

Final Fantasy XVI is still in development but it looks like there are no plans to reveal new details or footage of the game during Tokyo Game Show 2021, an online event happening from September 30 to October 3.

Naoki Yoshida, director of both Final Fantasy XIV Online and Final Fantasy XVI talked about the game during a livestream event focused on Final Fantasy XIV, saying that Square Enix would like to show something during TGS, but the team working on the RPG will likely not make the deadline, as they prefer to show the game when it’s in a state where it will entice fans to want to play it right away.

You can watch Yoshida’s comments on Final Fantasy XVI missing this year’s TGS below. Thanks to Twitter user @aitaikimochi for the English translation.

Don’t be surprised with the lack of updates or news about Final Fantasy XVI as the development team are trying to manage the expectations of fans for the next entry, according to a Washington Post interview with Yoshida back in February of this year.

“Saying something half baked is definitely very high risk. If something gets spoken about, someone will pick it up on social and it starts to spread around and people will form expectations. So with ‘Final Fantasy XVI,’ whenever we do reveal more information on it, we hope to show what kind of game it’s going to bring, and what kind of excitement we can bring.” says Yoshida.

According to Yoshida — also known as Yoshi-P for Final Fantasy XIV fans — he talked to the development team and they want the next reveal of the game to be closer to it’s release and will showcase the game’s battle system, a key element that hasn’t been shown in detail so far.

This likely suggests that the next time we see Final Fantasy XVI in any showcase event it will deliver a bombshell of information that will come with a release date.

At this moment, Final Fantasy XVI is slated for release on the PlayStation 5. No word of any type of exclusivity similar to how Final Fantasy VII Remake is being handled.