Hunt Showdown 1.15 Update Detailed, Goes Live With Tides of Desolation
/Crytek has shared what’s coming in the upcoming 1.15 update, which launches alongside the upcoming Tide of Desolation event going live next week.
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New Weapon Variants
Update 1.15 will contain new weapons to expand the weapony of Hunt Showdown. The Caldwell Pax will get a new variant called the Caldwell Pax Trueshot, a long barrel revolver that has better accuracy and damage in the cost of firerate. For more variety on all Caldwell Pax variants, they are also adding High Velocity custom ammo.
We are also getting a new melee weapon the Katana, a bladed melee weapon that pairs with the new trait called the Martialist, which reads: Allows a Katana to be sheathed, wehich enables a first strike attack that does extra damage. Owners of the Shrine Maiden’s Hell DLC will also get a legendary version of the Katana sometime after the release of this update.
Dolch users will have two new variants to play around withh — The Dolch Deadeye and the Dolch Claw. for added variety, the Dolch 96 and all its variants will be getting Dumdum rounds and FMJ custom ammo as an option.
Drilling is also getting some love in the 1.15 update as it will also get two variants — the Drilling Handcannon and Drilling Hatchet, which by the video below, seems to be a cheaper option compared to the original gun.
They are also adding a new Lemat Mark II variant called the Lemat Mark II Carbine Marksman for those that prefer long range encounters with this gun. They are also making changes to the whole gun and its variants as they improved the one-shot shotgun round to hit similar to a rival handcannon while the regular rounds of the gun has better muzzle velocity.
Just like previous events, all the weapons introduced will be first tied to the Tide of Desolation battle pass. Once the event is over, these new weapons will be added to the regular progression pool for free.
New Burn Traits - Relentless and Death Cheat is coming back
Crytek is adding more burn Traits to the game as they are adding Relentless and Death Cheat, two insanly powerful traits that was first introduced in the previous Tides events. For those that missed it, here’s the description of both traits.
Relentless: Your Hunter won’t lose a Health Chunk when down.
Death Cheat: You will not lose your Hunter if you fail to extract, but equipment and missing Health Chunks will be lost.
These Burn Traits that can only picked up in a match and is taken own when the Hunter is down. The first Burn Trait was Shadow, a trait that is insanely rare that it feels like they don’t even have Burn Traits permanently added to the game.
Weapon Inspection feature expanded
In the last major update, they rolled out the first batch of the weapon inspection feature that was limited to only knifes and pistols. The second batch coming in 1.15 now allows players to inspect all rifles and shotguns currently available to the game.
New Wildcard - Ashbloom
They are adding a new dynamic weather condition in Wildcard matches called Ashbloom, a mist-themed effect that switches between light to heavy fog. When heavy fog is in effect, dogs will constantly bark and creatures are more aggressive, it seems. The effect of Ashbloom also changes the look of the environment when this weather is in your match.
Progression Changes
The progression system is being streamlined as well. For starters, all base weapons will be available at rank 1, making prestige a bit more palatable. Tools and consumables don’t need xp to unlock other variants as well as they will be all unlocked once you’ve unlocked the base tool in the progression.
They have also streamlined some traits. For example, they are combining Iron Devastator, Iron Repeater, and Iron Sharpshooter into one trait called Iron Eye.
Hunters found in the Recruit tab is improved and comes with a guaranteed melee and Med-Kit and the prices for each Hunter and what comes with him/her will actually come out cheaper compared to you purchasing the same loadout yourself.
Legendary Hunters are now cheaper, going down from 200 Hunt Dollars to 100.
Free Hunters are now available only if your cash is below 20,000. If you are below 5,000, you are given an additional free hunter to recruit.
Workbenches are now found in the Bayou and is now where you can find Gun Oil, which was reworked to make you progress to the next matching unlock to the weapon you are holding (random unlock from the arsenal if there’s nothing else to unlock). Blueprints found will give you three random unlocks.
Significant Balance Changes and Level Designs
Patch 1.15 will also come with changes to the game’s maps as the most significant change is the permanent removal of Generators from the Bayou and the fact that you can now destroy Electric Lamps found in dark maps. All elevators in the game will move faster as well.
There’s a handful of changes to certain tools in this update. Fuses, Flare Pistols and the Star Shell custom ammo are now more valuable as they can now burn downed Hunters. Decoy Fuses will now also come with a small explosive effect, making it a breach tool of some sort as the explosion will destroy doors and windows. They are also improving the Derringer Pennyshot to make it more effective.
A significant change to gameplay is that Bounty holders will now be given a passive effect that informs if there are players within 75m to the holder. This effect will be trigger when using Dark Sight even without any Bounty charges as it will emit an orange glow around your screen, indicating that someone is nearby. This effectively makes ambushing Bounty holders much harder.
Vaulting will be easier to react in checking corners as you’ll soon be able to rotate the camera during the vault animation to react quicker if needed.
Another change is to the infamous Lightfoot Trait as it’s been nerfed to no longer suppresses jump sounds, but at least it will be 1 upgrade point cheaper due to the change.
All of these changes from the 1.15 will go live alongside the upcoming Tides of Desolation event, which will run from December 13 until February 14.
We’ll update this page when the official patch notes are released.
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