Hunt: Showdown Desolation's Wake Event Detailed
/Crytek has revealed what to expect from Hunt: Showdown's next event called Desolation’s Wake, starting from March 6 until May 8, roughly two months for the community to experience the unique traits, Sealed Caches, Pledge rewards, and more.
Desolation's Wake Battle Pass
Just like previous events, there will be a battle pass with premium and free rewards that can be earned through Event Points by doing certain activities during a match, such as looting dead Hunters, banishing targets, breaking seals in the Sealed Cache, or interacting with the unique altars found all around the map that are exclusive to the event.
The event’s battle pass will feature two new weapons — the Caldwell Marathon, which will be unlocked in tier 11 of the battle pass, and Mako 1895, which unlocks when you hit tier 15.
Reaching tier 25 will allow you to unlock The Statesman Legendary Hunter while reaching tier 50 (the final tier) will reward you with the Legendary Hunter called The Centipede.
The battle pass also comes with various weapon skins, ammo variants, charms, Blood Points, and more. Spending 1,000 Bloop Points allows you to unlock the premium rewards, just like before.
The Events Points breakdown has slightly changed if you compare this event to those before it, but the general concept remains the same as you need 1,000 Event Points to unlock 1 tier in the battle pass.
Desolation’s Wake Event Points breakdown
Taking event Clue/Rift - 10 Event Points
Extracting at least one Bounty - 30 Event Points
Take Master Clue (new) - 30 Event Points
Looting Spine Altars: 6 Event Points
Destroying Spine Altars: 3Event Points
Investigate Event Clues and Rifts: 10 Event Points
Banish Targets: 12 Event Points
First Dark Tribute milestone: 200 Event Points
Become Soul Survivor: 30 Event Points
Challenge milestones (per milestone): 750 Event Points
Bounty Token at Sealed Cache (new) - 100 Event Points
Looting a Hunter’s body for the first time - 12 Event Points
What’s New — Sealed Cache, Bounty Token, and Master Clue
Sealed Cache
When the event goes live, all matches in Hunt: Showdown will feature a Sealed Cache, a unique Supply Point that will be marked on the map and there will only be one of these per game, making it a high-value point of interest for many as it features rewards only found in this Sealed Cache.
Players can use the Pledges they earned for their Hunter to break seals in the Sealed Cache and earn a *Bounty Token, which has the same value as the Bounties you get when banishing bosses. This will be a hot spot as many would attempt to get this bounty with their Pledge Marks, which by the way, you need two Pledge Marks to unlock the Bounty.
Master Clue
If you don’t have two Pledge Marks but one, going to the Sealed Cache still has value as you can use that single mark to unseal and pick up the *Master Clue, which upon pickup will instantly reveal to you and your teammates the locations of all bosses in the map.
Restoration Effect
If a Bounty Token or Master Clue doesn’t interest you, maybe triggering a Restoration effect for your team will. For One Pledge Mark, a Hunter can go to the Seal Cache to trigger Restoration, instantly recovering any Health Bars your Hunter has lost.
Other Pledge Seal Rewards
There will also be unique rewards players can pick up by using their Pledge Marks. Some will be available in the Sealed Cache while others can spawn on other locations on the map such as the Arsenals, normal Supply Points, Hunting Towers, and Watch Towers.
Four Shot Boon - gives the Hunter all syringe shot effects (1 Pledge Mark)
Experience Boon - rewards a large amount of experience for the Hunter ( 1 Pledge Mark)
Big Cash Register - rewards a Hunter with a good amount of Hunt Dollars (1 Pledge Mark)
Full Restock Box - replenishes all ammo and tools (1 Pledge Mark)
*Explosive Box - Gives a Hunter three explosive items (1 Pledge Mark)
*These rewards are exclusive, meaning it’s a one-time use across the match, so the first Hunter to break the seal for these types of rewards, it can no longer be redeemed for the rest of the match.
Earning Pledge Marks in Desolation’s Wake
For those new to Hunt: Showdown’s events, Pledge Marks are also used to claim event-exclusive traits in each of the three Pact during the Desolation’s Wake event, so you’ll have to make big decisions if you want to use your Pledges for the Sealed Cache or save them when you need specific rewards.
Players can earn a total of four Pledge Marks during a single match this time around and you can earn Pledge Marks in various ways:
Earning 30 Event Points in a match - 1 Pledge Mark
Looting your first Hunter in a match - 1 Pledge Mark
Banishing your first target - 1 Pledge Mark
Earn more Pledges through Pact-specific bonus
Winning Soul Survivor - 1 Pledge Mark
Desolation’s Wake Pact Traits
Just like previous events, there are three pacts players can choose from to spice up their gameplay. For Desolation’s Wake, it works a bit differently as Pledge Marks are mostly used for the new buffs and rewards in the Sealed Cache and various points of interest in the map.
Making your Hunter pledge on a Pact earns you a unique trait exclusive to that pact, upgrades existing non-event traits, and improves how one would earn Pledge Marks in a match. These Pacts can be found in the Supply Camps found in the map.
Here’s a breakdown of the new Traits for each Pact.
Death Pact Traits
Witness - While in Darksight, dead Hunters are visible, and health restoration is marginally increased when close.
Resilience - If pledged with the Death Pact and your Hunter has this trait unlocked, the Resilience Trait also comes with the ability to revive Hunter teammates 50% faster.
Pact-specific Bonus Pledge Mark - Being pledged with the Death Pact allows you to earn two Pledge Marks when looting your first Hunter in a match, instead of one.
Lawful Pact Traits
Peacekeeper - Revive a dead teammate. Dead, not downed, meaning no more health bars, and has been burnt to zero. Reviving a dead teammate will cost you one bar as it will be burnt from your Hunter. Looting dead Hunters will restore you one Health bar.
Packmule - If pledged with the Lawful and your Hunter has this trait unlocked, this trait will also allow you to get some ammo when looting dead Hunters.
Pact-specific Bonus Pledge Mark - Being pledged with the Lawful Pact allows you to earn two Pledge Marks when earning 30 Event Points in a match, instead of one.
Primal Pact Traits
Berserker - Simply doubles melee damage
Beastface - If pledged with the Primal Pact and your Hunter has this trait unlocked, animals will no longer notice you.
Pact-specific Bonus Pledge Mark - Being pledged with the Primal Pact allows you to earn two Pledge Marks when banishing a target in a match, instead of one.
Hunt: Showdown’s Desolation’s Wake event will go live on March 6, 8 AM CET, and will run for two months until May 8, 9 AM CET.
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