Two Worlds 2 expansion: Pirates of the Flying Fortress announced
/Uh yea i guess Topware isn't done with Two Worlds 2. The game is huge and they decided to make it even bigger by releasing an expansion pack. Apparently Two Worlds 2 did really well for them since a third is planned and now this.
The Two Worlds site mentions that the expansion will be adding new content, weapons, added weather effects like thunder and rain storms, added animations and a lot more. It will be released as a multi platform title and is aiming for a September 2011 release.
Two Worlds 2 is an open world RPG similar to Elder scrolls but played in third person. The unique feature in Two Worlds 2 is their customization from improving equipment by adding extra effects to creating your own magic spell. It was a good RPG and has a crazy amount of content that you can just spend 50+ hours if you do most of the side quests.
I did a review of Two Worlds 2 and was fun while it lasted, but I'm not sure if i want to spend for an expansion pack. We'll see when we hear more info about it.