E3 2011: Schedule of Events
E3 is coming! It's the biggest gaming expo and it's only held every year. From June 6 to June 9 there will be TONS of gaming reveals. Big game developers and companies head over to E3 to show off their their latest games to the public. Here in TMG, were all preparing for the 4 crazy days of E3. We will try to cover as much reveals as possible right when they announce it. Yes, this is pretty much the biggest event in gaming and it's just days away.
Big companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo will be doing a press conference presenting to the whole gaming world their upcoming new games, technology and features so watch out for that. The Nintendo Press Conference is the one to look out for because it is said that Nintendo might be announcing their next big game console to go against the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Upcoming Games such as Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3, Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim, Mass Effect 3 and many more will make an appearance giving us never before seen footage to wow us all, and also expect new game reveals not yet announced to the public. God i wish i could just fly to L.A right now with a pass to E3....
This post will pretty much start off E3 2011 for us at TMG and first up is the schedule for each press conference and sites with live streams of E3 so you won't miss a single reveal. Will update this post if anything new comes up.
Monday, June 6GTTV Presents E3 All Access Live!9:00AM PDTEpisode 1GTTV counts down to E3 with the exclusive first look at NINJA GAIDEN 3, THQ’s Danny Bilson presents the first-ever footage from SAINTS ROW 3, Xbox’s Phil Spencer reveals the SUMMER OR ARCADE lineup for Xbox Live, and Bethesda presents the first live demo of PREY 2.XBOX360: THE FUTURE REVEALED9:30AM PDTCommercial FreeLive from E3, see exclusive new gameplay from GEARS OF WAR 3, FORZA MOTORSPORT 4 and the future of innovation for Kinect! Plus, tons more Xbox 360 game and entertainment announcements.SKYRIM, BATMAN, BIOSHOCK and MODERN WARFARE 311:00AM PDTEpisode 2Do not miss 90 minutes of wall-to-wall world exclusive first looks at the biggest games of E3. Ken Levine premieres new footage from BIOSHOCK INFINITE and Todd Howard shows the first gameplay demo of THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM. Plus, the first-ever live demo of BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY with Sefton Hill from Rocksteady and a live gameplay demo of MODERN WARFARE 3 with Glen Schofield and Ryan Bowling. Also don’t miss world premiere footage from PROTOTYPE 2, the premiere of the E3 trailer for RESISTANCE 3 from Sony, and other guests who will share big game news and surprise demos.Gamechangers: EA 2011 Preview12:30PM PDTCommercial FreeBATTLEFIELD 3, MASS EFFECT 3, NEED FOR SPEED: THE RUN, SSX, MADDEN NFL 12, FIFA 12 and more! Electronic Arts premieres its future games line-up live from E3 in Los Angeles.TWISTED METAL, MASS EFFECT 3, AND MORE1:30PM PDTEpisode 3GTTV breaks down the EA showcase and David Jaffe joins us on set to world premiere TWISTED METAL’s E3 demo, plus the exclusive first trailer for GOTHAM CITY IMPOSTORS. Then, you still want more MASS EFFECT 3? Casey Hudson is back for another exclusive demo. We catch up with TED PRICE from Insomniac Games and count down to the Ubisoft E3 briefing.Ubisoft Press Conference2:30PM PDTLive coverage of the 201 Ubisoft briefing with world premieres of ASSASSINS’ CREED: REVELATIONS, GHOST RECON FUTURE SOLDIER and more surprise announcements and reveals.PETER MOORE, DON MATTRICK, HITMAN: ABOSLUTION3:45PM PDTAfter Ubisoft, we’re back in our studio with a ton of surprise guests and demos. EA Sports’ Peter Moore joins us to discuss the state of the sports gaming business, and Geoff interviews Xbox’s Don Mattrick about the company’s big E3 announcements. Plus world premiere demos of THE DARKNESS II, DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION, and the world gameplay premiere of HITMAN: ABSOLUTION.5:00PM PDTSony Press ConferenceTuesday, June 7
Nintendo Press Conference9:00AM PDT